21E farmworker housing memo
Memo to direct jurisdictions on how to integrate farmworker housing into their housing elements
TOOLKIT Farmworker Housing Draft Final 1 20 2022 with Draft Watermark
Toolkit from ABAG/MTC on including the special needs of farm workers in Housing Elements
Employee Housing Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet on Implementing H&S Code 17021.5 (Employee Housing)
San Mateo Housing Keynote_Reid_Final2
Meeting Materials from 2016 Teacher Housign Conference on the housing affordability crisis implications for education and schools.
Session4_tax and legal
Implications of education workforce housing for education and schools.
How to conduct needs assessments for education workforce housing.
Presentation on how to talk about homes people can afford- challenges, goals, audience, and case for action.
Presentation by HEART on the differences between Below Market Rate units and First Time Homebuyer Loans.
Session2.EdenHousingRentalswithSubsidies PPT
Presentation by Eden Housing on what affordable housing is and the revenue sources needed to build it.
Presentation by Eden Housing on what affordable housing is and the revenue sources needed to build it.