Summary of Constraints San Mateo V2
Summary data of Housing Constraints in San Mateo County
B + D Dvpt Cost and Unit Mix 2022 4 7 DRAFT updated
Development cost data in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties produced by Century Urban for CPC
Constraints quick summary
Quick summary of housing elements constraints by Century Urban, summarized by Evan Seitz
Summary of Constraints San Mateo
Constraints survey for San Mateo County jurisdictions to help with Housing Elements
Constraints Fee Survey 10.28.21
Estimate housing fees as a percentage of development cost, Housing constraints fee survey
Outreach demographic tracking tool
Excel sheet for comparing demographics of meeting participants to US Census data
Fees and Processing Time Survey
Estimate housing fees as a percentage of development cost, Housing constraints fee survey
Consequences of Non Compliance with Housing Laws
Housing Element constraints worksheet by CPC