Transit Oriented Communities Policies Checklist
This policy checklist is intended as a tool for assessing if an existing or proposed ordinance would be deemed compliant with MTC’s TOC policy. The materials were extracted from Appendix […]
2022 New Housing Legislation Checklist for Staff
This checklist contains potential action steps for the most common requirements based on new housing laws passed in 2022
SB 9 Application Checklist
Checklist of SB 9 qualifying criteria.
Housing element completeness checklist
Checklist from HCD to check the completeness of Housing Elements
Finishing up AFFH sections of Housing Elements Memo (Word)
Memorandum prepared by Root Policy for 21 Elements on the next steps jurisdictional staff and/or lead consultants will need to take to carry the AFFH analysis and actions across the […]
FHAP Template
Presents policies and programs in the format requested by HCD (developed by Root Policy)
Draft Reviewer Checklist AFFH Final 1 24 2021
One-page checklist used by HCD staff when reviewing housing elements for compliance with AFFH.
21E AFFH Tracking Sheet
Tracking sheet for jurisdictions on AFFH analysis for RHNA 6 Housing Elements.
Final AFFH Data Guidance Checklist
Data guidance checklist on AFFH from ABAG/MTC.
Checklist for Housing Element Engagement
Let’s Talk Housing checklist for community engagement for housing related meetings