Faith and Housing program description final
Faith and Housing program description and timeline
Housing Elements Deadlines & Consequences 2 18 22 21 Elements
21 Elements infographic on deadlines and consequences for Housing Elements
Consequences of being late – graphic
Infographic on the consequences of late adoption of the housing element by ABAG/MTC
Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) Overview for professionals, editable 12 15 21 (Word)
Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) Overview editable 12 15 21
Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) Overview for professionals 12 15 21 (PDF)
SB9 graphic explanation and overview pdf
21E Updated Workplan Overview and Process Diagram
Graphic of 2021 Housing Element Updates work plan and schedule overview (updated November 2020)
21E and RHNA 6 process overview May 20 2020 rev
Graphic of 2021 Housing Element Updates work plan and schedule overview
Surplus Lands Act (AB 1486) Infographic
Infographic on AB 1486
2019 New Laws Twu Illustration
Illustration by Alfred Twu of the new laws as of September 25, 2019
SB 330 FlowChart Updated 11 19 19
Infographic on SB 330