Memorandum Funding an ADU Resource Center
Memo that describes the ADU Resource Center and jurisdiction funding tiers.
ADU Amnesty Best Practices Memo
Guidance memo for jurisdictions considering implementing ADU Amnesty programs or complying with SB 897 (developed for OCCOG by Community Planning Collaborative)
ADU Affordability Best Practices Memo
Memo on best practices (developed for OCCOG by Community Planning Collaborative)
Programs to Rezone Memo
This is a summary of the rules regarding programs to rezone. In some cases, details have been omitted for clarity. Please discuss with your City Attorney or County Counsel. Update […]
MTC Draft TOC housing policy overview May2023
This memo explains the overlap between the Prohousing Designation Program and MTC’s (TOC) Transit-Oriented Communities Policy
Prohousing Requirements and Policy Categories
This document outlines threshold requirements for applicants and Prohousing policy categories.
State Fair Housing Laws
Summary of California state housing legislation related to fair housing by Root Policy Research.
Shared Housing Staff Program FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Shared Staff program
2022 Housing Element Statutory Provisions Checklist
A 2022 checklist of legal requirements your jurisdiction can use to ensure its Housing Element substantially complies with state law.
HCD letter re Builders Remedy in Santa Monica
HCD Letter regarding builder’s remedy in Santa Monica